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Natalie DIAN



Natalie Dian has been Director of Visionscentret Framtidsbygget (The Vision Center for Futures Creation) in Sweden since 1994. Visionscentret focuses on raising futures skills among the general citizenry as evidenced in the year- long course “Building the Future”. The studies resulting from this program are in the areas of, a sustainable society, the future of the public sector (Sweden), and the future of work.  In her capacity as Director, Natalie edited and published the English version of the book A Tale of the Future 2021. She has written a number of journal articles and has contributed chapters to text books on the future of vegetarianism and the future of the zoo. She is the research director of Foresight Styles Assessment, a tool which applies the theory of foresight styles to the roles we all play when we find ourselves facing the new and the innovative. Natalie has also created Basic Values Charts, for individuals identifying the values underlying the paradigms which influence all their futures thinking and work.

The Course – Environmental Scanning and Analysis

Course elements include:
The influence of personal and global paradigms and characteristics on scanning, * Understanding and articulating personal and global paradigms, *The role of systems thinking in framing the “environment”, *Identifying environmental, elements – macro, micro, PESTEL or STEEP *Identifying relevant historical patterns, *trends, drivers, wild cards, discontinuities and weak signals, *Scanning practice, *Consequence analysis, cross impacts and future wheels *Scanning quality check.
The course offers a chance for practical implementation. Your scanning can be directed to a specific field, a specific client, your own personal situation or group scanning. You will leave with a qualified scanning of your chosen field, better understanding of yourself, an ability to use a number of futures studies tools and more knowledge about how the many of the streams of life influence one another and the future.