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Kazuo Mizuta, Professor Emeritus and Futurist, taught English and comparative cultural studies for 36 years at Kyoto Sangyo University. He earned his M.A. in English from Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) and was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to study at Western Michigan University (M.A. in English). He then furthered his studies at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature, University of Wisconsin. His experiences in America helped him expand his research areas to comparative culture studies and Future Studies. The author of several books and more than 30 papers, his essay on ‘How to promote the revival of the western Japan-Founding a pacific university’ won the 1980 Yomiuri Essay Prize.

Course Title : Human-and-Machine Interface in the Year 2035

The course will cover the themes of primarily focusing on :

  1. The Cultural Personality: how to be successful in a globalized culture. Internal understanding of the self and others, then a new foresight from there.
  2. Technological innovation: Robots, are they going to enrich our lives or take over our way of life? Where will the lessons we learned from the recent (March 11) earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear power plants incident lead us?
  3. Human evolution: how will we provide a better perspective and foresight for our future?