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Europe has been badly hit by the world economic slowdown. The impact on major institutions, such as education, has been profound. As a result, French universities are under the constraints of drastic budget cuts. Sadly, the University of Angers has not escaped these cuts in funding.

Despite the successful recruitment of a first cohort of promising, international students and the strong commitment of the international faculty and project team, the Board of Directors of ISTIA has decided to cancel the opening of the International Masters in Foresight and Innovation scheduled for October 15, 2012.
However, deeply convinced of the capacity of this program to meet the charge given to higher education to develop the potential of high-quality students—and to increase the number of graduates with advanced degrees—the independent faculty and team of the MFI are now conducting a focused search for an alternate institution to host this program, either as an academic degree or an executive training certificate.
If you are interested in supporting our efforts, please contact us at 

Dear prospective students

The world economic slowdown is badly hitting Europe. French universities are under the constraints of drastic budget cuts. The University of Angers does not escape this turmoil. Despite the successful recruitment of international high potential students and the strong commitment of the International Faculty and the project Team, the board of directors of ISTIA decided, July 16, 2012, to cancel the opening of the International Master « Foresight and Innovation » scheduled for October 15, 2012.

Therefore, as the independent coordinator of this Programme, with the support of the Faculty, I am looking for another educational institution that would host this Master programme, thus replacing the university of Angers. Right now we have several tracks to follow in Tunisia, Turkey, Finland…

Considering the time needed to get a national agreement to deliver a diploma for a new programme, I have little hope to be able to offer you an alternative for this academic year 2012-2013. However, in a time of high disturbance, almost everything is possible.

Please, stay tuned! News related to this great program will be posted on our blog:

Thank you again for your interest in this Masters and sincere apologize for this unthinkable decision.

Best regards

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